Wednesday, May 25, 2016

There's No Time Like Spring for an Air Conditioner Wake Up Call

Not so long ago, air conditioners were considered a luxury. Now it's a catastrophe should an AC ac repair cleveland unit cease to function, and a full blown emergency if the catastrophe occurs during the dog days of August. In order to avoid such a heated situation, the prudent homeowner takes time to get to know his air conditioner when it's well so he can trouble shoot if it's under the weather or call for AC repair Cleveland if it's seriously ailing. He also has the wisdom to know the difference

Wake up

Once the temperatures rise and the heating system will no longer be needed it's an opportune time to put the air conditioner through a trial . The first step is to step back and observe its on/off cycle in this early relaxed state, before it's in constant demand. If the unit fails to come on, it may be as simple as a thrown circuit breaker. It may even be that the thermostat needs a new battery.

If it the unit cycles on too often, the thermostat may be in need of re-calibrating. If after calibration, it's still over eager, the culprit may be a coolant leak.

heating repair cleveland

Since an air conditioner is a closed loop system with freon being re-circulated through coil,s and the condenser system evaporating the moisture the coils collect, a leak is a problem beyond the realm of trouble shooting, and one which needs to be seen to by a licensed air conditioning technician.

Listen Up

Spring is time to get reacquainted with the normal sounds that the air conditioner emits. Most homeowners will instantly recognize the old sounds from the previous summer, but if any new ones have arisen, it's time to call for help. Squealing may indicate, just as it would in a car, that the belt is slipping. If it's a direct drive unit, something may be a amiss with the air handler.

Mop Up

If once it's started up, the unit begins to leak water, the condenser coil unit emergency air conditioning repair cleveland may be plugged by debris, insects, or even animal waste that has found its way in over the winter. When this happens, the condenser can no longer breathe and exhale moisture out through the exhaust vents. Thus the moisture it has inhaled collects in the unit and when it reaches a critical mass, spills into the house. Scheduling a spring cleaning and tune-up will take care of this as well as any unwanted surprises that may heat up in peak season.

Warm Up

If warm air is coming out instead of cool, it's a no brainer that something's wrong. The most common problem is a coolant leak, which as noted above, should not occur in a closed loop system. It could also be a case of a blocked condenser or other respiratory problem. No matter which, it's not going to get better and spring is a better time for it to discover and get it repaired than when temps are in the triple digits and AC repair companies are jammed up with calls.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Can Central Air Be Installed in an Older Home?

ac repair clevelandEven if your home did not come with central air conditioning, you can have it installed. You’ll need to contact an HVAC company that does ac repair Cleveland to schedule an appointment to discuss the details of your air conditioning installation, but here is what you can generally expect.
Everyone wants to know how much central air conditioning costs to install, but the answer depends on so many variables it’s impossible to give an answer that’s fit for all. Only your HVAC company will be able to give you an accurate estimate after their evaluation of your particular circumstances. First…
ac repair clevelandYou’ll need to select a unit that is appropriate for your size home and any future planned additions. Your contractor will be able to recommend a handful of units for you to choose from. Remember that you may be eligible for a rebate if you select an Energy Star unit. Your contractor can advise you on that as well. After you’ve chosen a unit, an installation date and paid a deposit…

The installation technicians will need to access your attic to see how much space you have for the ductwork and A/C units. Attics get dangerously hot in warm months, so you should try to schedule the air conditioning installation in the cooler months, whenever possible. Condenser units, which are one component of a central A/C system, can be noisy when running. You’ll need to select an outside location for the condenser. When that’s decided on…
ac repair clevelandYou’ll be consulted regarding the air delivery system. You may be able to have ducts run above the ceilings or use your existing heating ducts. The outside air conduits going to the condenser can be disguised as gutters and downspouts. The HVAC company will work with you to find a solution that doesn’t detract from the aesthetic appeal of your house. At that point…
The air conditioner installers will consult with you about positioning any additional air registers that will be installed in the rooms in your house. These registers could be the same ones that furnish your warm air in the winter, but you may also want registers in extra rooms. Finally…
Your new central air conditioning system will be tested, using the owner-controls that were placed in a convenient location for you.

You now have the rest of the summer to enjoy your fresh, cool air.