Sunday, November 13, 2016

Preparing the AC for Winter for an Easier Spring

As the winter months approach, it's time to get ready for the cold weather ahead. This means preparing the air conditioning system in one's home for several months of hibernation. When the unit is properly maintained, this will avoid the need for AC repair Cleveland, Ohio when the weather gets warm again in the spring. 
ac repair cleveland
Preparing for Winter
While an HVAC professional will be able to provide routine maintenance to an outdoor air conditioning unit, homeowners can do a number of things to get ready for the upcoming cold. It's important to remove any yard debris away from the unit, and find a cover that fits the outdoor unit snugly. During harsh weather conditions, it is possible that a poorly fitting cover will come right off. Consider using rope to tie down the cover if it doesn't fit perfectly.
ac repair cleveland
Call for Servicing
To get an air conditioner ready for winter, it's important to call and have the unit serviced. The technician will clean the unit, remove debris from inside, clean any necessary filters and make sure that the unit is turned off for the season. While it is possible for some homeowners to a bit of this work on their own, it is cost-effective to leave the work to a maintenance professional.
ac repair cleveland
During the Winter Months
ac repair clevelandMake sure that the cover remains on the outdoor unit throughout the winter. Check the cover at least once a week, and remove any ice or snow that has built up on the cover. Check that the cover is still secure after each bad storm. If ice and snow are allowed to get into the machine, this can wreak havoc once the ice and snow begin to melt. This can lead to rust damage inside the air conditioning unit.

As temperatures begin to warm up again in the spring, it's time to clean around the unit once again. The debris built up over the winter will need to be removed, as this can make it hard for the air conditioning unit to work properly. The unit should be serviced by a professional, and filters changed, even though they were changed in the fall. To prevent emergency calls for air conditioning repair, it's important to have the machine serviced before the cooling season begins.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Don't Wait for it to be an Emergency - Call for Repairs the Moment the A/C Acts Up!

The key to avoiding large air conditioning service bills is to make sure to keep up on preventive maintenance and call for AC repair Cleveland as soon as a potential problem is detected. This will catch most problems before they result in total system failure, and thereby prevent the need for emergency service. It'll also allow issues to be fixed before expensive major parts have been destroyed.

ac repair cleveland

ac repair clevelandMaintenance
Like cars, air conditioners need the occasional tune-up. Different companies have different recommended schedules, but all agree that tune-ups should happen on a regular basis. During this procedure, anything that needs it will be adjusted to optimal settings, tightened down, or otherwise brought back into spec. Another important part of this service is checking for emerging problems. Often, a problem can be spotted long before it shows symptoms.

Troubleshooting Odd A/C Behavior
ac repair clevelandThis area typically deserves more attention than it gets. It's easy to put off calling for service if the air conditioner "acts a little weird" but still pumps out the cold air. Unfortunately, this gives budding problems a chance to become full-grown. Once the critical tipping point passes, the system fails and leaves the residents sweltering with no way to get serious relief. Therefore, repair people should be called whenever an air conditioner shows odd behavior, such as:
  • New noises
  • Air that doesn't come out as chilly as before
  • Lowered forced air pressure
  • Activation when it shouldn't happen
  • Non-activation when it should happen
  • Strange odors

ac repair clevelandOften, the problem will turn out to be something simple, such as a pinhole leak that is allowing coolant to slowly escape. The hardest part about fixing that issue when it first happens is finding the leak. However, if the fix is delayed too long, eventually all of the coolant will leak away and there'll be nothing left to provide cold air. The same principle is true of other emerging problems: They may not be serious yet, but will become so over time. Machines cannot heal on their own, so the process is inevitable unless a fix is purposefully applied.

Calling for repairs early also helps ensure that the work can be done at a convenient time. This saves customers even more money since they won't have to miss time at work in order to let the technician into the house. All in all, calling right away is a win on all accounts.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

How to Beat Summer Heat on a Budget

emergency air conditioning repair clevelandSmart homeowners will be prepared for the climate changes that come with each season. By keeping their HVAC system in top condition, homeowners need not worry that it will falter in the middle of a snowstorm or during the heat of summer. Homeowners who keep up with their ac repair cleveland will have little trouble transitioning from winter to summer. Here are a few tips that can help homeowners beat summer heat without crashing their budget.

Keep Thermostat Slightly Up
emergency air conditioning repair clevelandAs homeowners start using their AC for summer, they should set their thermostat at different temperatures to see where they feel the most comfortable. Gradual changes in temperature can make a difference in energy costs over the long haul. By keeping the thermostat a bit higher than normal, the AC won’t run as much, saving homeowners money. On cool nights, homeowners can turn the AC off altogether and open the home to cool breezes to lower energy costs.

Handling Humidity
Humidity can make temperatures feel even hotter than they really are. A good AC system can help dehumidify a home’s interior while maintaining a comfy, cool environment for the family. By keeping the system running during periods of high humidity, homeowners can enjoy a more comfortable home setting.
emergency air conditioning repair cleveland
AC systems need regular maintenance and repair to keep them working at top capacity. The end of spring is a good time to have any AC repair work done in preparation for hot weather during summer. AC maintenance may include testing and cleaning the system, cleaning air ducts and repairing or replacing worn parts. Preventative maintenance can go a long ways towards extending the lifespan of a unit and keeping it working properly all summer long.

Tag-Team Fans with AC
emergency air conditioning repair clevelandHomeowners can enjoy a cooler home environment by combining the use of ceiling fans with their AC unit. Ceiling fans will keep cool air circulating in different parts of the home. With the use of fans, homeowners may even be able to raise their thermostat one or two degrees higher, reducing AC usage and its energy consumption. By experimenting with tag-teaming (AC + fans), homeowners can see what works to keep their home at a comfortable level.

These are just a few tips that can help homeowners maintain their homes comfortable and cool during summer without overworking their AC unit or overextending their budget.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Tips to Get More Value From an AC System

People with an older AC system may have been advised to replace it with a new and energy-efficient model. There's no doubt that new Energy Star air conditioners work more efficiently. During the hottest summer months, the idea of lower power bills might be attractive. At the same time, the best air conditioners are expensive to buy and install. It might help to gather some ideas to keep that older AC system functioning at its peak.

AC repair Cleveland

How to Make an Older AC System Work Better

Routine Maintenance Local companies that perform AC repair Cleveland usually offer routine maintenance services for a fairly modest charge. People who haven't had their own AC system serviced for over a year can probably benefit from this kind of checkup and routine maintenance. It's better to schedule this during off-peak times of the year when companies aren't that busy.

AC repair Cleveland

During the early spring, many of these companies run specials on this kind of service to keep their techs busy with work. For a fairly modest fee, it's worth it to make sure that the AC is in good repair, clean, and not likely to break down in July or August. If the system does need a repair, this also gives the homeowner a chance to plan for the bill before it gets really hot.

AC repair Cleveland

Change Air Filters Regularly Dirty air filters make an AC work harder than it needs to. That means that clean filters are critical for an older system. Changing filters frequently may also help improve air quality inside of the home.

It might seem like changing expensive air filters frequently will cost more than it saves. Many AC techs advise their customers to buy cheaper air filters and change them more frequently. Cheaper AC filters can be purchased for a dollar or two and even bought in bulk for more savings. It's not a bad idea to stock up and change the filter every month during peak usage times. This could be true even if the filters say they only need to get changed every three months. It's especially important for homes that have pets, kids, elderly people, or smokers.

AC repair Cleveland

When is it Time to Replace the AC? If the costs of repairs start mounting, it might be time to replace the system. It is an investment, but a more comfortable house and lower power bills can help offset it.

Monday, July 18, 2016

6 Benefits of Duct Cleaning

ac repair clevelandGetting your home's HVAC ducts cleaned on a regular basis has many benefits. If you’ve been delaying getting your air ducts cleaned, take a look at these six benefits.

1. Better Overall Air Quality

Your home’s interior air should always be as clean and healthy as it can be, and a clean air duct system will help ensure this. You might be surprised to learn that all sorts of airborne particulates from dirty air ducts cause unclean air in your home. Pollen, pet dander, mold and mildew can all play a role in contaminating the air coming out of the ducts.

2. Reduction of Allergens

ac repair clevelandAllergens, the substances that produce allergic reactions in people, can be effectively controlled by keeping your home’s air duct system clean. Having your system checked and cleaned on a regular basis is a good way to prevent or at least minimize any buildup of these substances and keep them in check.

3. Odor Reduction

Dirty ducts can accumulate odorous molecules that actually distribute foul-smelling air throughout the home. A thorough duct-cleaning removes odor-causing molecules, resulting in a fresher-smelling home.

4.  Less Chance of Needed Repair

ac repair clevelandWhen you have your air ducts cleaned on a routine basis, there is much less chance that you will need AC repair Cleveland. Air duct cleaning helps your HVAC technician to keep an eye on potential problems before they occur.

5. Energy Savings

By keeping your air duct system clean and fresh, you’re likely to see a savings in your energy bill. Your air conditioner and furnace won’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool in summer and warm in winter. These major appliances are designed to operate in a reasonably clean environment. By keeping your air ducts clean, these units can run at top efficiency.

6. Mold and Mildew Prevention

ac repair clevelandCondensation from central air conditioning can build up inside of dark air ducts, creating a perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive. If left untreated, this condition can lead to the potential for serious health ramifications. Duct cleaning on a routine basis by a certified HVAC technician will help ensure your ducts don’t become a breeding ground for these unhealthy pathogens.

If you’re unsure when the last time your air ducts were cleaned, schedule a cleaning now and get back on track to a cleaner home.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Why Duct Cleaning is Important

ac repair clevelandAir ducts and vents are the most overlooked source of dirt and allergens in the home. They are easy to forget because they are not within plain sight of other things that are commonly included in the everyday tasks of housecleaning.  However, for a clean, healthy home, it’s important to get the air ducts cleaned on a regular basis. Here’s why.
Duct Cleaning Promotes Healthy Air Flow
HVAC systems only function at maximum capacity when air ducts and vents are properly cleaned and maintained. A well-functioning ventilation system makes the atmosphere more comfortable and enjoyable. An unencumbered flow of air also helps prevent mold and mildew build up. This, in turn, reduces the level of contaminants that enter the home via the air ducts and vents.
Dirty Ducts Have Impeded Air Flow
ac repair clevelandAn occupied home can produce up to 40 pounds of dust per year, including dander and allergens. These contaminants get sucked into the heating and cooling system, get trapped in ducts, and impede airflow. This causes heating and cooling units to work harder than necessary, and subsequently reduces the life expectancy of the unit.
Dirty Ducts Spread Contaminants
Over a period of time, contaminants like allergens, dust, mold or mildew build up inside HVAC ducts. When the unit is on, dirty air is blown throughout the home. In this way, dirty ducts make your home dirtier and full of contaminants.
Duct Cleaning Helps With Allergy Symptoms
ac repair clevelandKeeping air ducts clean and free from dust, grime and allergens can promote a healthy breathing atmosphere. Being able to breathe clean air is critical for the health and well being of every resident in the home, particularly for allergy sufferers. Clean air ducts and vents contributes to a reduction of upper respiratory problems in homes with asthma or allergy sufferers because the pollen and other allergens such as pet dander are removed from the home’s circulation system.
Duct Cleaning Helps Protect the AC and Heating Systems
One of the easiest ways to prevent unnecessary AC repair Cleveland is to hire an HVAC professional to conduct regular maintenance, including duct cleaning service on your home's air conditioning and heating systems. Dirty ducts can become so overloaded that they back up dirt and debris into your HVAC system, causing clogs and inhibiting the efficient operation of the system.
ac repair cleveland
Contact an HVAC professional for maintenance and AC repair in Cleveland to ensure your family's access to safe and efficient air cooling and heating.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

There's No Time Like Spring for an Air Conditioner Wake Up Call

Not so long ago, air conditioners were considered a luxury. Now it's a catastrophe should an AC ac repair cleveland unit cease to function, and a full blown emergency if the catastrophe occurs during the dog days of August. In order to avoid such a heated situation, the prudent homeowner takes time to get to know his air conditioner when it's well so he can trouble shoot if it's under the weather or call for AC repair Cleveland if it's seriously ailing. He also has the wisdom to know the difference

Wake up

Once the temperatures rise and the heating system will no longer be needed it's an opportune time to put the air conditioner through a trial . The first step is to step back and observe its on/off cycle in this early relaxed state, before it's in constant demand. If the unit fails to come on, it may be as simple as a thrown circuit breaker. It may even be that the thermostat needs a new battery.

If it the unit cycles on too often, the thermostat may be in need of re-calibrating. If after calibration, it's still over eager, the culprit may be a coolant leak.

heating repair cleveland

Since an air conditioner is a closed loop system with freon being re-circulated through coil,s and the condenser system evaporating the moisture the coils collect, a leak is a problem beyond the realm of trouble shooting, and one which needs to be seen to by a licensed air conditioning technician.

Listen Up

Spring is time to get reacquainted with the normal sounds that the air conditioner emits. Most homeowners will instantly recognize the old sounds from the previous summer, but if any new ones have arisen, it's time to call for help. Squealing may indicate, just as it would in a car, that the belt is slipping. If it's a direct drive unit, something may be a amiss with the air handler.

Mop Up

If once it's started up, the unit begins to leak water, the condenser coil unit emergency air conditioning repair cleveland may be plugged by debris, insects, or even animal waste that has found its way in over the winter. When this happens, the condenser can no longer breathe and exhale moisture out through the exhaust vents. Thus the moisture it has inhaled collects in the unit and when it reaches a critical mass, spills into the house. Scheduling a spring cleaning and tune-up will take care of this as well as any unwanted surprises that may heat up in peak season.

Warm Up

If warm air is coming out instead of cool, it's a no brainer that something's wrong. The most common problem is a coolant leak, which as noted above, should not occur in a closed loop system. It could also be a case of a blocked condenser or other respiratory problem. No matter which, it's not going to get better and spring is a better time for it to discover and get it repaired than when temps are in the triple digits and AC repair companies are jammed up with calls.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Can Central Air Be Installed in an Older Home?

ac repair clevelandEven if your home did not come with central air conditioning, you can have it installed. You’ll need to contact an HVAC company that does ac repair Cleveland to schedule an appointment to discuss the details of your air conditioning installation, but here is what you can generally expect.
Everyone wants to know how much central air conditioning costs to install, but the answer depends on so many variables it’s impossible to give an answer that’s fit for all. Only your HVAC company will be able to give you an accurate estimate after their evaluation of your particular circumstances. First…
ac repair clevelandYou’ll need to select a unit that is appropriate for your size home and any future planned additions. Your contractor will be able to recommend a handful of units for you to choose from. Remember that you may be eligible for a rebate if you select an Energy Star unit. Your contractor can advise you on that as well. After you’ve chosen a unit, an installation date and paid a deposit…

The installation technicians will need to access your attic to see how much space you have for the ductwork and A/C units. Attics get dangerously hot in warm months, so you should try to schedule the air conditioning installation in the cooler months, whenever possible. Condenser units, which are one component of a central A/C system, can be noisy when running. You’ll need to select an outside location for the condenser. When that’s decided on…
ac repair clevelandYou’ll be consulted regarding the air delivery system. You may be able to have ducts run above the ceilings or use your existing heating ducts. The outside air conduits going to the condenser can be disguised as gutters and downspouts. The HVAC company will work with you to find a solution that doesn’t detract from the aesthetic appeal of your house. At that point…
The air conditioner installers will consult with you about positioning any additional air registers that will be installed in the rooms in your house. These registers could be the same ones that furnish your warm air in the winter, but you may also want registers in extra rooms. Finally…
Your new central air conditioning system will be tested, using the owner-controls that were placed in a convenient location for you.

You now have the rest of the summer to enjoy your fresh, cool air.