Tuesday, February 7, 2017

3 Common Issues with Air Conditioners That Consumers can Fix

ac repair clevelandThe Air Conditioner Won’t Turn On In cases where the air conditioning system is not turning on, it’s advised that consumers verify the outside unit in order to determine if the condenser is running properly. Ensure that the unit is properly plugged in and that the thermostat is set accordingly. Then, the consumer should lower the thermostat a small amount to see if the problem is fixed. Consumers can save the funds that would go into contracting an air conditioning serviceperson by reading their product’s manual and seeing if everything checks out. If an initial check-up doesn’t solve the problem, it’s advised that consumers verify if there is a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse running in the system.

ac repair clevelandIn extreme cases where the coil is frozen, contracting an ac repair cleveland person inmight be the necessary solution. The Air Conditioner is not Effectively Cooling the Air After the initial problem of an air conditioner not turning on is solved, consumers may find themselves in a situation where the system is not properly cooling the area. In these cases, it’s possible that the system is experiencing a blocked or dirty air condenser. If that’s the case, the first step consumers should follow is to inspect the outside unit and clear out any debris or weeds that might be blocking the system’s air circulation.

ac repair clevelandThen, it’s advised that consumers check the air conditioning system’s filters to ensure that it is adequately clean. In cases where the filter is excessively dirty and the air is not being properly circulated, it’s possible that the coil can freeze. If the household contains pets and the air conditioning system is used often, the filter may need to be replaced at a relatively high frequency. The best way to verify if a filter is adequately clean is to hold it up to a light and check if the filter can be seen through.

ac repair clevelandThe Air Conditioner is not Cooling the Home Properly When all other aspects of the air conditioner check out, however the unit is still not cooling the home properly, this may be due to the fact that the system is not optimally sized for the home. It’s important for consumers to keep in mind that an air conditioning system should be equipped to keep an entire home cool on an average summer day. Ideally, air conditioning systems should be capable of maintaining up to a 25 degree temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperature. If a system is running well but is not performing to a home’s standard, this might demand simply changing the air conditioning system and opting for one better suited to the home in question.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Signs It's Time for AC Repair in Cleveland

ac repair clevelandWhat is that noise? Perhaps it sounds like a deep chugging, like the sound a car makes when it’s having bad mechanical issues. Maybe it’s more like a screeching or whining, not unlike that of an unhappy cat. So just what is that noise?
It’s the air conditioning unit in the backyard. It’s been making that noise for a while. However, as a homeowner, who can remember how old that thing is anyway? Surely it’s fine, right? It’s just been a hot summer and the AC has to work extra hard to cool the house. It’ll all be okay once autumn arrives, right?
heating repair clevelandActually, wrong. By the time autumn arrives, the AC may be totally broken. No HVAC unit is meant to last forever, and especially without maintenance, the air conditioner’s days may be numbered. That’s the last thing a homeowner wants to hear in the dead of summer, but that’s one of the first signs they need to call a ac repair cleveland. Here are some others.
The homeowner remembers cranking on the AC about an hour ago, but the house is still awfully warm. What gives? If the unit is being especially noisy as it turns on and off, it’s no surprise it’s taking longer to adequately cool the house. Whether because of age or lack of maintenance, something needs to change or the AC is probably going to break before the kids are back in school.
ac repair clevelandMaybe a homeowner is dealing with a different issue. Maybe their AC only kicks on sometimes. The rest of the time, it just makes noise but doesn’t do anything. If a local repair company has been out to the house more than once in the past couple of years, either it’s a faulty unit or it needs some serious repair. It may also be time to think about upgrading.
Speaking of upgrading, this question bears repeating: just how old is the air conditioner, anyway? These units are not designed to last forever. If the AC has been there as long as the homeowner has lived at the house, and that’s been nearly 10 years, it’s definitely time for a replacement. Even if it hasn’t been that long, if the air conditioner is noisy or not working at its best, a replacement is often the wisest investment.
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While a replacement can be pricy, these do save the homeowner money in the long run. Newer units are more energy-efficient, which lowers energy bills each month.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

3 Signs It's Time for AC Repair

ac repair clevelandWinter will be here soon, and it's unlikely that most people living in the Cleveland area will be turning their AC on again before next year. Still, now is a good time to have any necessary ac repair cleveland area. Not only does AC service tend to be cheaper now than it will be in the spring, but it's also a lot easier to find an HVAC specialist this time of year. For homeowners who are unsure whether or not they're in need of AC repair, there are some potential signs that it may be time.

Increased Cooling Costs

ac repair clevelandHomeowners should have a good general idea of how much they spend on their heating and cooling throughout the year. If this summer's cooling costs seemed higher than usual, this could be a sign that the AC isn't running as efficiently as it should be. This may be caused by a bad part or other minor problem. By having any necessary repairs done, the unit may run more efficiently and save homeowners money.

Lack of Cool Air

ac repair clevelandIf the AC seems to be running fine but the air blowing out isn't as cool as it once was, then it may be time to call an HVAC professional. Specifically, this could be a problem with the AC's refrigerant. Levels could be too low (which is an easy enough fix), or there could be a more serious issue with the unit's compressor. Either way, this is something that should be addressed sooner rather than later, as the problem will only worsen otherwise.

Strange Noises

ac repair clevelandFor homes with central air, the unit itself is probably located outside near the back or side of the house. As a result, it may not become obvious when there is a problem because strange noises may not be heard from inside. This is why it's a good idea for homeowners to spend some time outside and become familiar with how the AC unit should sound. Any strange noises need to be checked out right away by an HVAC professional.
AC maintenance and repair may not be the most important thing on Cleveland-area homeowners' minds right now, but having any necessary repairs done now will save a lot of hassle and stress come spring. Homeowners should call an HVAC company if any of the above signs have been present.